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REST-based API

Queue-it gives developers access to our REST-based APIs. The Management API allows you to manage the entire lifecycle of waiting rooms (creation, management, monitoring, and sunsetting). The Integration API lets you retrieve and post updates to your integration configuration. The Statistics API returns waiting room statistics and lets you securely share read-only analytics with key stakeholders. The Visitor API gives you access to information for each individual queue item (id, entry, redirect, number in line, custom data etc.).

Getting Started

In order to use Queue-it's API you will need a subscription with the API feature. To check if the API feature is part of your subscription, log in to the GO Queue-it Platform and navigate to Account | API Keys. If it is not part of your subscription, please contact to enable this feature.

Management API

The Management API controls waiting rooms, similar to managing waiting rooms in GO Queue-it, Queue-it's web-based admin platform. Using the Management API can be useful if you need to deploy new waiting rooms daily or weekly with a tight integration into your own backend systems.

  • Create and update waiting rooms
  • Enable, pause, disable, and end waiting rooms
  • Update/Delete dynamic information
  • Return, add, and remove from the bypass group and notification group

For full documentation and testing, see our Queue-it Management API Documentation.


Integration API

The Integration API lets you retrieve and update integration configurations. The Integration API is useful if you need to change what triggers your waiting room (e.g. Request URL, HTTP Header, Cookie) and which waiting room your visitors are sent to.

  • Get recent or specific versions of a published integration setup
  • Create and publish/deploy a new integration setup version
  • Publish the latest integration setup to a web endpoint

For full documentation and testing, see our Queue-it Integration API Documentation.

Statistics API

The Statistics API returns waiting room statistics and lets you securely share read-only analytics with key stakeholders. The Statistics API is useful to understand how your waiting rooms are performing, what your user experience is like, and if you need to troubleshoot any waiting room settings.

  • Get individual statistics for a waiting room, for instance inflow into the waiting room, number of users waiting, or users with cancelled QueueIDs
  • Return a summary of key statistics for a waiting room

For full documentation and testing, see our Queue-it Statistics API Documentation.

Visitor API

The Visitor API gives you access to information for each individual queue item. The Visitor API is useful if you’d like to drill down into the history of a specific user or update/review custom data for a given QueueID.

  • Get data on queue items (g. ID, entry, redirect, number in line, custom data, etc.)
  • Insert or update custom data for a given QueueID
  • Cancel a queue item for a given QueueID


For full documentation and testing, see our Queue-it Visitor API Documentation.

Additional Resources

API Keys can be found in the GO Queue-it Platform under Account | API Keys.

You can manage them with tools like AWS Secrets Manager.


Get a detailed overview of Queue-it's REST-based API
